Mission & Vision Statement
The mission of Althea Gibson Early Childhood Academy is to recognize the potential in every student and to nurture this potential so they achieve academic and personal growth through developmentally appropriate practices. Althea Gibson Early Childhood Academy provides a foundation which supports, intellectual, physical, social - emotional, and technological age appropriate maturation. Parents and staff are partners working towards meeting and exceeding the aforementioned goals.
All children have the potential to become Responsible, Outstanding, Creative and Knowledgeable Students. “Gibson R.O.C.K.S.”
AGA scholars are local and global citizens who will be the change agents of tomorrow. They will develop critical thinking skills, learn to collaborate, communicate, acquire and create knowledge.
Althea Gibson Early Childhood Academy supports a standards based, data driven, student centered learning environment which prepares AGA scholars for success now and in the future.
The AGA team recognizes strong family support and involvement at home contributes to the cultivation of a meaningful partnership which results in increased student achievement, improved attendance, and life long success for each student.
Core Values
Care - AGA supports a caring and nurturing environment which encourages our learners to build relationships with members of the school community.
Communication - The AGA community communicates in a clear and transparent manner in order to share expectations and develop trust.
Respect - Respect is essential to the AGA community, respectful interactions promote unity and school spirit.