For Parents » Perfect Attendance Program

Perfect Attendance Program

Althea Gibson Academy
Perfect Attendance Program

Many people believe that regular attendance is not important in early education. However, research shows thousands of this country’s youngest students are academically at-risk because of extended absences when they first start their school careers! Students must be present and engaged to learn!
Don’t let your child become part of this a statistic!
Please support our Perfect Attendance Program by bringing your child to school every day. By so doing, you will be helping to insure your child’s academic success!!!
***Perfect Attendance means that a student has zero absences in a given month. It also requires that he/she is not tardy more than 2 times in that same month.
To get things started, there will be a Perfect Attendance PEP rally in September. Everyone will receive a Perfect Attendance prize as an incentive.
Then we will monitor attendance everyday. At the end of each month we will gather in the cafetorium to honor those students who have Perfect Attendance for that month. In addition, these students will receive a prize, have their names displayed in the front hall, and be recognized in our monthly newsletter.
At the end of the school year, students with Perfect Attendance for the whole year will receive a Toys R Us gift card and be invited to a special Pizza Party!!! Students who do not have Perfect Attendance, but who have worked hard to achieve it, will also be invited to this party!
We realize that it will not be easy to achieve Perfect Attendance, but with your help and support we can teach our students that it’s cool to come to school!